When does the Mid-Western Mentoring program run?

The program will run from April to November, 2023. Important dates to remember

  • Applications open until March 17th 2023
  • Mentors and Mentees matched – late March 2023
  • Kick off-training and introductions – early April 2023
  • Program Graduation – late November 2023.
How much does the program cost?

Investment in the 8-month program (up to 40hours of Professional Development) is $1,200 and payment plans are available – please contact Pearl on 0419 237 619 to further discuss.

Benchmarking similar Sydney-based programs, they charge $2,300 and are not framed by the business-focused sessions nor do they include the multiple networking and collaboration sessions that our program provides.

The program is tax deductible for business owners.

Are all applicants likely to be able to participate in the mentoring program?

As there are 10 Mentors in the Mid-Western Mentoring program and relationships are based on a 1:1 relationship, only 10 applicants will be selected for the program. The priority for matching is to match highly compatible mentees and mentors (based on their applications). Participation in the mentoring program cannot therefore be guaranteed.

When will I know if I’ve been successful, and if so, who I’ve been matched with?

Once you’ve registered your application, we will review the information you have provided and use it to try and identify a mentor that will be able to support you in achieving your goals. It’s important to note we won’t ‘match for matching sake’. If a suitable match is not available, you can apply for future programs wherein a more suitable mentor may be available. You should hear from us by late March as to whether your application has been successful or otherwise – all applicants will be contacted.

Why wasn’t I matched with a mentor/mentee?

To ensure the quality of the program we restrict the number of pairs accepted each year, and these decisions are made based on the information provided on your application and the availability of a suitably skilled mentor to support you. If you were unsuccessful in being matched with a mentor this year you are welcome to apply again for future programs.

How often would I meet with my mentor/mentee?

It is anticipated that to benefit from the relationship mentors and mentees should connect for a minimum of 1 hour per month. Meeting times should be agreed upon by both the mentee and mentor at their first meeting. Times of meetings may change during the relationship as the schedule or needs of the mentor/mentee change. There are also several ways meetings might occur – via face to face, phone or zoom.

What will we talk about?

It is a good idea to plan meetings ahead and set goals for each meeting. The mentee can develop a list of questions they would like advice or feedback on and the mentor could develop a list of experiences they wish to share which may help the mentee. It is important to keep the discussions about work related issues that will assist in the professional development of the mentee and mentor.

What if I am not suited to my mentor/mentee?

In the unlikely event that mentors/mentees feel they are not suited, please contact pearl@mwmentoring.com.au as soon as possible to discuss options moving forward. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis and outcomes may vary depending on the specific situation and timing.

Can the mentoring relationship continue after the Mid-Western Mentoring Program is completed?

The mentoring relationship can be continued informally once the mentoring program is completed, however, the relationship will not be acknowledged by Mid-Western Mentoring Ltd. Both mentor and mentee are welcome to apply for the program the following year; however, they will be assigned different partners. Mentees, if they feel they have the expertise, are also encouraged to become mentors after they have completed the program.

What training is provided for mentees and mentors?

Once you are accepted onto the program you will be invited to an introductory training program that is 60 minutes in length and is compulsory to complete. There is also a guidebook available for mentees and mentors to help prepare for the commencement of the program. The training and guidebook share what to expect and roles and responsibilities.

Will discussions between mentees and mentors be confidential?

Absolutely! Great mentee/mentor relationships are based first and foremost on trust. Your participation in the program is confidential and you will agree with your mentoring partner how you will handle confidentiality between you. All participants are expected to abide by the Mentoring Program Code of Conduct.

Who do I contact for more information?

If you’re interested in finding out more about the program, please contact Pearl Daly-Swords on 0419 237 619 or at pearl@mwmentoring.com.au